
Welcome to Wellness Pursuit

Where the journey towards better health and a balanced life is a continuous exploration.

I’m not an expert in any single field, but rather a “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Over the years, I’ve learned how to make the most of life’s challenges, understanding that while we can’t control what each day brings, we can control how we respond.

One of the most valuable habits I’ve developed is the practice of gratitude. I focus on appreciating the good in my life, both past and present, rather than dwelling on what I lack. Often, what seemed like a disaster at first has turned out to be a blessing — sometimes it just takes time to see it.

It’s true that money can’t buy happiness, though it does make life easier. But for me, good health is the greatest wealth. Unfortunately, stress can be a formidable enemy to both. I’ve seen wealthy individuals who are unhappy, and those with modest means who find joy in life. We’re all unique, and our experiences shape us in different ways.

Over 40 years ago, I briefly worked with a charity supporting individuals with mental health challenges. That experience, though brief, gave me insights that have helped me navigate my own struggles. Life has a way of teaching us through our falls, and it’s in picking ourselves up that we grow stronger.

About 30 years ago, a series of events triggered a gradual decline in my health, despite my efforts to stay physically fit. This led me to explore various approaches, including the Hay diet, which proved immensely beneficial. My journey eventually led me to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle, and over a decade ago, I transitioned to veganism. Motivated by the myths and misconceptions surrounding vegan nutrition, I pursued studies in Nutritional Therapy with The Health Sciences Academy [LINK]. While I completed the nutrition coursework, I chose not to become a certified practitioner; my interest lay in personal knowledge rather than professional practice.

Now, at 67, I feel healthier than I did at 40. My background in fitness is diverse: I was a county record-holder in pole vaulting as a teenager, practiced yoga and meditation, experienced various martial arts and Tai Chi, and even ran up mountains for a time. I’ve also explored creative outlets like painting, whittling, clay modeling, and music as a professional classical and Flamenco guitarist. All these activities have contributed to my overall wellness and living in the moment.

This website is a culmination of my lifelong pursuit of wellness. As a former graphic designer, I’ve created it as a personal catalog of the knowledge I’ve gathered. If it helps others along their journey, all the better.

Remember, prevention is better than cure. The information on this site reflects my personal experiences and opinions, and I strive to support it with scientific sources. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle.

Wishing you good health, joy, and abundance.
